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[안내] 이라이브러리 학습 불가 도서 리스트


안녕하세요. 이라이브러리입니다.

이라이브러리 제공 도서 중 45권이 7월 1일부로 전자도서관 리스트에서 삭제 될 예정입니다.

이라이브러리의 도서삭제는 미국 본사인 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) 사의 조치사항으로 불가피하게 되었음을 알려드립니다.


7월 1일 부터 이북 책읽기 및 퀴즈 학습이 불가능하오니, 학습중인 도서는 미리미리 학습을 완료 해 주시기 바랍니다.  


Level Title
Level1-024(JA) My City
Level1-025(JA) Snake Goes Away
Level1-091(JA) Grandpa
Level2-037(JB) My Town
Level2-047(JB) Amy Hest
Level2-096(JB) The Art Of Sculpture
Level2-109(JB) An Interesting Trip
Level2-112(JB) Rain Forest Homes
Level2-113(JB) A Writer Named Jean
Level3-022(JC) Animals
Level3-027(JC) Clay Creatures
Level3-076(JC) Earth's Resources
Level4-085(JD) The Corps of Discovery
Level4-092(JD) Earth's Moon
Level4-123(JD) An Artist Named Tomie
Level5-080(SA) Freedom
Level6-081(SB) Pioneer Life
Level6-082(SB) Manny's Homework Assignment
Level6-083(SB) Just Like Beverly Cleary
Level7-062(SC) Changes to Earth's Surface
Level7-120(SC) Ranches And Farms Across America
Level8-008(SD) Waters Gone Wild
Level8-012(SD) The Ten Suns and the Moon
Level8-013(SD) Pyramids of Egypt
Level8-014(SD) Finding Pictures in the Sky
Level8-016(SD) Light Up the Sea
Level8-078(SD) A.L.L. to the Rescue
Level8-081(SD) Kids Cleaning Up
Level8-094(SD) The Boy Behind The Television
Level8-103(SD) Seasons And Reasons
Level9-002(SE) Energy
Level9-003(SE) Ecosystems
Level9-004(SE) Resources in Ecosystems
Level9-005(SE) Atoms and Elements
Level9-006(SE) Earth's Rocks
Level9-007(SE) Plants and Plant Growth
Level9-008(SE) Matter AND HOW IT CHANGES
Level9-009(SE) Changes to Earth's Surface
Level9-010(SE) Classifying Living Things
Level9-011(SE) Forces and Motion
Level9-012(SE) Fossils
Level9-013(SE) Heat and Electricity
Level9-014(SE) The Water Planet
Level9-088(SE) Machines: Working for Us
Level9-089(SE) Searching For the Perfect Machine


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이라이브러리 드림.